Market Stats
Weber County
Median Prices
in the first half of 2017, median home prices increased 8.58% from the first half of 2016.
Weber County
Total Sales

in the first half of 2017 sales in Transylvania county were up 5.81% from the first half of 2016.
Weber County
Days on the market
in the first half of 2017, homes spent an average of 161 days on the market before being sold.
Area Highlights

Incredible Mountain Biking:
Go ride the Cedar Rock Trail (park your car at Corn Mill Shoals) favorite mountain bike anywhere in the Carolinas. End up at Oskar Blues brewery sipping on a Yellow Pils. That’s a great ending to an incredible mountain biking adventure!
-The Cullen Team
Our Favorites

University of Utah
Get on the Oskar Blues Bus (Gus). It’s actually a trolley that leaves downtown Asheville for brewery tours and events.

The Utah Jazz
Try your hand at fly-fishing with a Woolly Bugger on this famous river.

Sugar House
Don’t miss the First-Monday’s Concert Series - people move to Transylvania County just for that!